We’re delighted to announce the forthcoming edition of our quarterly magazine, True Insight. This publication is available in hard copy for clients of our True Potential Portfolios.

True Insight is intended as a source of concise and cohesive information on factors behind some of the biggest shifts in the financial markets, of this past quarter. Keeping clients up-to-date and informed on trends, topical issues and some of the stories that have featured in the financial press.

Experts in the Field

The magazine is compiled by our Investment Management team, who themselves boast decades of expertise in financial services. They have their finger firmly on the pulse of the sector and use their wisdom to dispel some of the more complex elements of investing.

Firstly, we’ve included an in-depth feature about diversification, the strategy of spreading your investment across different asset classes, countries and investment styles, which may mitigate the of risk presented by any one area, and why it was important for investors facing uncertainty during and after Brexit. This is something which we have implemented in our True Potential Portfolios.

We follow this with an article on Income Portfolios. As we have seen the interest rate cuts by the Bank of England come in to effect in this quarter, this article looks at Income Portfolios which could present an alternative route for those seeking an income from their investments.

We’ve also used the resources we have to hand as a fund manager with eight, world-class fund manager partners. Using the expertise of David Hollis of Allianz Global Investment we also take a look at momentum investing, explaining just what that means and and how this technique is prevalent today.

Our Commitment to Investors

Our quarterly magazine demonstrates our commitment to both our clients and to transparency. We are committed to researching, scrutinising and analysing the external factors and presenting them to investors, and would be investors, in the hopes of demystifying an industry and creating a more accessible proposition.


You can download a copy of True Insight below.

[button_link color=”purple” text=”Download True Insight Issue 3″ link=”https://www.tpllp.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/True-Insight-Issue-3-2016.pdf”]

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